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We also think this phrase can be used here in September so we added some awareness colors. Thank you, Lucas.

We have paired with Lucas Damen of Hammer Forge Creations to share his story. Our hope is this design inspires in many ways. Inspires others to speak up and inspires others to keep going and forge their life. 


Did you know 1 in 6 men have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences? Lucas Damen of Hammer Forge Creations is one of them. He is using his voice through his work to speak up about this and encourage others to forge ahead, and to forge their life. For more information on Lucas scroll below. For more information on the work 1 in 6 does click below. $5 from each shirt sold will be donated back to them until the end of the month.


$5 from every item sold will be donated to 1 in 6. 


- 7 oz. 52/48 airlume combed and ringspun cotton/polyester

- Item runs UNISEX like our other hoodies. True to size for men a size down recommended for women. Message us if you need a size chart!


Please allow 5-6 days for delivery.

Item availability ends 7/31


Forge Life Unisex Hoodie V1



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